To avoid a gas shortage, EU gas consumption must be reduced by 15% this winter. Germany must cut 20%. Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences wants to meet the savings targets in order to maintain operations and to avoid emergency scenarios such as closures.
These measures are also necessary to reduce the additional costs caused by the sharp rise in energy prices. HSD as a public institution is required to implement energy-saving measures since 1 September 2022.
With a few exceptions, HSD covers its heating requirements exclusively by district heating. Heating for the district of Derendorf is provided by Lausward gas-fired power plant and the combined heat and power plant in Flingern. Lausward power plant produces natural-gas-based electricity and heat for the district heating network in Düsseldorf.
Buildings 7 and 10 are not connected to the district heating system, but are heated by gas water heaters.
More information on Düsseldorf’s district heating network and Lausward power plant is available here (in German only): district heating network Düsseldorf and
Fortuna block.
Some energy-saving measures have already been implemented centrally, such as lowering the heating temperature and switching off the permanent lighting of the corridors. However, to reach the saving targets, the sum of many individual contributions of all members of HSD are important.
Do you have any additional suggestions for saving energy? Let the Climate Action Management know.