HSD has been awarded the ERASMUS Charter 2021-2027 by the European Commisson. It entitles HSD to participate in the current programme round and apply for funding of individual mobility projects as student and staff exchange within Europe and the world as well as cooperation partnership projects.
HSD is committed to the principles stipulated by the ERASMUS Charter concerning
- Digitalisation
- Inclusion
- Sustainability - Green ERASMUS
- Civic Engagement.
The International Office will cooperate in facilitating administrative procedures and support all incoming and outgoing students, especially students with fewer opportunities, in their efforts to study abroad resp. to encounter a welcoming culture and atmosphere on HSD campus and in Düsseldorf. Promoting "green" travel options and sustainable behaviour is part of HSD's mission for climate protection. Creating awareness for civic responsability corresponds to HSD's "Third Mission" policy.
We invite all our partners to unite our efforts to promote the ERASMUS programme and foster international exchange and intercultural awareness! We are looking forward to cooperating with you in the future!
Please don't hesitate to contact us:
Hochschule Düsseldorf - University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Monika Katz
Head of International Office and ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator
T +49 211 4351 8123