Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences

You wish to apply to Hochschule Düsseldorf as an international student and have questions about the application and admission process?
Here are a few questions we frequently receive and their answers.

A. General Questions and Current Changes

1. What are the deadlines for the winter semester 2025/26?

The application via uni-assist is expected to start middle/end of Mai.

Application deadlines: 
    15 July for programmes with restricted admission
    15 August for programmes with unrestricted admission

Applications for higher semesters: end of August until 15 September.


2. I have to apply via uni-assist and cannot find Hochschule Düsseldorf on uni-assist.

Our programmes are only visible on uni-assist during the application period. The application period for the winter semester 2025/26 is due to start middle/end of May.


3. Do I have to post my post documents to uni-assist to complete my application?

It is sufficient to upload all your application documents for this application cycle. Posting your documents to uni-assist is therefore no longer required.
Ensure that you have uploaded all the required application documents on uni-assist before the application deadline.

HSD reserves the right to randomly request for certified copies of your application and enrolment documents.


4. When are the deadlines to register for the aptitude test?

Beginning of November until 01.02. for the Bachelor's programmes in the Faculty of Design

Beginning of February until 15.03. for the Bachelor's programme in Architecture and Interior Architecture

15 March for the Bachelor's programme Audio and Video  

Beginning of March until 15.03. for the Master's programmes in the Faculty of Architecture

Beginning of March until 01.05. for the Master's programmes in the Faculty of Design


5. I still have further questions about the admission process. Who can help me?

Our degree-seeking page offers information on the admission requirements and process. If you still have questions, feel free to register for our online workshop for information on the requirements and application procedure for international applicants.


6. Wo finde ich die deutsche Version dieser Seite?

Für die deutsche FAQ-Seite klicken Sie bitte hier.



B. Before the Application

1. Who is considered an international applicant at HSD?

International in this case refers to the degree with which you are applying. If you wish to apply for a programme at Hochschule Düsseldorf with a foreign degree, you are considered an international applicant.
This is generally regardless of your nationality.


2. May I study at HSD with my certificates from my home country?

To study at HSD you need a higher education entrance qualification (HZB), i.e. your secondary school leaving certificate and possibly your previous studies must entitle you to study in Germany. Information on the recognition of foreign certificates can be found here.


3. Which German language proficiency do I need to study at HSD?

All applicants for a German-taught programme must provide proof of sufficient German language proficiency. You will find a list of the German language certificates we accept here.


4. I am unable to submit my German language certificate before the application deadline. Can I submit it later?

You do not need to submit your German language certificate with your application documents, but rather for your enrolment after gaining admission.
The latest date to submit it is September 30 (for winter semester intake) or March 31 (for summer semester intake).

Click here to find out more about the German language requirement.


5. Does HSD offer German language courses? 

Yes. You can find the requirements as well as information on the courses here.


6. Do I need English language proficiency for my programme? When do I have to submit the certificate?

This depends on the programme you are applying for. You can find out whether you need to show proof of sufficient English language knowledge for your desired programme on the programme website or in the respective examination regulations.
The latest date to submit the English language certificate is September 30 (for winter semester intake) or March 31 (for summer semester intake).


7. Can I study entirely in English at HSD?

The only programme taught completely in English at Hochschule Düsseldorf is the Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering. You therefore need a very good knowledge of German for all our other programmes.


8. What additional requirements do I need to fulfil for my programme?

Many programmes at Hochschule Düsseldorf have degree-specific requirements. These could be an internship, aptitude test, minimum grade, and so on. Kindly check the programme website for further details.


10. When are the deadlines to register for the aptitude test?

Beginning of November until 01.02. for the Bachelor's programmes in the Faculty of Design

Beginning of February until 15.03. for the Bachelor's programme in Architecture and Interior Architecture

15 March for the Bachelor's programme Audio and Video  

Beginning of March until 15.03. for the Master's programmes in the Faculty of Architecture

Beginning of March until 01.05. for the Master's programmes in the Faculty of Design


11. Can I apply with the TestAS?

The Test for Academic Studies - TestAS is not recognised at Hochschule Düsseldorf as a substitute for the university entrance qualification.


12. What do restricted admission and unrestricted admission mean? 

Restricted admission means that there is only a limited number of places available in your chosen programme. Hence, only a certain number of applicants can be admitted to the programme.
If your degree programme is unrestricted, all applicants who meet the requirements will usually be offered a place.


13. What grade do I need to apply for a programme at HSD? 

No specific grade point average (GPA) is required for admission to bachelor programmes at HSD.

For almost all master's programmes (including those with unrestricted admission), you must have achieved a minimum grade point average from your previous bachelor's degree.


14. How can I convert my grade into the German grading system?

You can use the modified Bavarian Formula to convert your grade into the German grading system to have a general idea of what your grade in the German system is. The final conversion of your grade is however done by uni-assist after receipt of your application.


15. Where can I find the cut-off grade for international applicants? 

You can find the cut-off marks from the past admission cycles here.

Please note that the cut-off marks depend on the number of applicants and their grades. They therefore change with each cycle and the grades from past admission processes only serve as a rough guide for future cycles.


16. Which Master's programme can I study with my bachelor's degree?

The Master's programmes you can study at HSD depend on your previous Bachelor's degree. It is only possible to evaluate whether the content of your Bachelor's degree is suitable for the Master's degree programme after you have submitted your application.
You can consult the examination regulations of the programme for a general idea before applying.


17. Can I apply if I have not yet completed my Bachelor's degree?

With the exception of the master programme in Media Informatics, it is generally possible to apply for a master's programme with your preliminary grade and transcript.

However, please keep the following requirements in mind:

  • Your final grade and transcript are officially issued after the application period (15 January/15 February/15 July/15 August).

  • Depending on the programme, no more than 30 ECTS credits may remain outstanding by the application deadline.

  • Any outstanding examinations must be completed within the same semester, in which the application period falls (e.g., during the summer semester when applying for the winter semester).

  • In case of admission, proof of graduation and the final transcript must be submitted by 30 November (winter semester) or 31 May (summer semester), depending on the programme.

You can find out when you have to submit your final degree from the respective examination regulations.


18. How much are the tuition fees at HSD?

Hochschule Düsseldorf does not charge tuition fees. However, all students pay a semester fee, which includes the semester ticket as well as other solidarity contributions. Current information on the semester contribution at HSD can be found here.


C. Application

1. What deadlines do I have to keep in mind?

The application via uni-assist usually starts middle/end of May (for winter semester intake) and middle/end of November (for summer semester intake).

Application deadlines (usually): 

15 July (for winter semester intake) and 15 January (for summer semester intake) for programmes with restricted admission.

15 August (for winter semester intake) and 15 February (for summer semester intake) for programmes with unrestricted admission

Applications for higher semesters: from end of August until 15 September for winter semester intake and end of February until 15 March for summer semester intake.


2. Do I have to apply via uni-assist?

You have to apply via uni-assist if you are applying with a foreign school-leaving certificate or a foreign Bachelor’s degree.

Click here to find out which application process applies to you.


3. I have to apply via uni-assist but cannot find Hochschule Düsseldorf on uni-assist.

Our degree programmes are only visible on uni-assist during the application period.


4. How do I have to apply with the Feststellungsprüfung (FSP)?

You have to submit your application via uni-assist if you have successfully passed the Feststellungsprüfung (FSP). Remember that the Feststellungsprüfung is only valid in combination with your school leaving certificates. You must therefore also submit your certificates from your home country with your application.

The programmes you can study at HSD with your core course from the Feststellungsprüfung are listed here.

We have provided further information on the application documents for you here.


5. I am applying with a degree from China, India or Vietnam. What do I have to consider when applying?

You must submit the original or digitally signed APS certificate (regardless of your nationality!) to uni-assist with your application documents.


6. How do I apply via uni-assist??

  • Select your programme and answer the required questions
  • Upload all application documents
  • Pay processing fees

We have provided detailed information on the application process for you here.


7. What documents do I need to apply via uni-assist?

You will find an overview of the application documents on this page.

It is possible to find out which additional requirements there are for certificates from your home country on uni-assist under: Info country by country 

Remember to submit all parts and pages of your certificates in the correct form before the application deadline.


8. Do I have to translate my documents?

If your documents are neither in German nor in English, you must have them translated to German or English. 

Submit the documents in the original language as well as the translation.  

You can find the standards for translations here.


9. Do I have to post my application documents to uni-assist?

For this application cycle, it is no longer required to post your documents to uni-assist. Ensure that you have sent your online application to uni-assist before the application deadline.

HSD reserves the right to randomly request for certified copies of your application and enrolment documents.

We have provided detailed information on the application process for you here.

You can find the standards for translations here.


10. Can I apply with a a preliminary review documentation (VPD)?

No. The application process is managed entirely by uni-assist. You do not need a preliminary review documentation (VPD) when applying to Hochschule Düsseldorf.


11. I have applied via uni-assist in the past. Do I have to apply again via uni-assist?

Yes, you have to apply again via uni-assist.


12. What is DoSV and do I have to participate in DoSV?

The Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) is a procedure for the central coordination of the application process for admission-restricted bachelor programmes. 

You must participate in the DoSV if you are applying for the 1st semester of a bachelor programme with restricted admission.

If you are applying for a higher semester, you do not have to participate in DoSV.  

You can read more about the DoSV here.


13. Which programmes at HSD participate in DoSV?

Hochschule Düsseldorf participates in DoSV with almost all programmes with restricted admission.

You can find an overview of DoSV programmes at HSD on this Page.


14. What do I have to consider when applying for a second degree?

You are considered a second degree applicant if you have already completed a degree programme at a German institution of higher education and would like to obtain an additional degree. 

For example, if you have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Germany and are interested in earning an additional Bachelor's degree in Germany, the new Bachelor's degree is considered a second degree in Germany.

Information on second degree studies can be found at: https://hs-duesseldorf.de/studium/studieninteressierte/zweitstudium


15. How can I apply as a cross-registered student?

Minor cross-registered students:
The form for registering is available here.

Major cross-registered students:
You apply for the programme during the regular application period via uni-assist. When enrolling at HSD, you will have to state that you are registering as a cross-registered student. 

Please note that it is only possible to register as a cross-registered student for a programme with restricted admission at HSD if you are not enrolled in any other programmes with restricted admission at a German university.

To register as a second student, you must fulfil all admission requirements (e.g. language certificates, internship, aptitude test, etc.).


16. I am applying for a higher semester at HSD. What do I have to keep in mind when applying?

Changing your programme (i.e. you are applying for a new programme of study at HSD):
You apply via uni-assist if you have a foreign school leaving certificate and are already studying at a German university. 

Changing your university but not the programme (i.e. you have a foreign school leaving certificate, are already studying at a German university and would like to study the same programme at HSD):
You apply directly to HSD. In this case, select the German university entrance qualification in the HSD application portal.


17. Which programmes have places available in higher semesters for this coming semester?

It is generally possible to apply for a higher semester for all programmes. However, since we can only determine at the end of the application period if there are actually places available in the higher semesters, it is possible that your application might not be successful. If there are no places available in the higher semester of the programme you applied for, you will receive an email after the application period informing you of this.


D. After applying

1. I submitted my full application before the deadline but uni-assist has not yet processed it. Do I need to worry?

Generally, you do not have to worry. If you submitted your complete application (online and by post) to uni-assist before the application deadline, uni-assist will still check it after the application deadline. It is important that uni-assist receives your complete application before the application deadline.


2. I have applied via uni-assist. What happens next?

A detailed explanation on what happens after your have applied is provided on this page.


3. I have received an admission to HSD. When do I have to enrol?

You will find the enrolment deadline in your admission letter.


4. What documents do I need for my enrolment at HSD?

Along with your admission letter, you will receive a list of documents which you must submit for a successful enrolment at HSD.


5. I still have questions about the enrolment process. Who can help me?

The Student Affairs Offices are responsible for all matters concerning your enrolment at HSD.


6. When does the semester start?

You can find the semester dates at HSD here.
