Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


HSD > Publication of the Sustain­ability Strategy
HSD / sustainability

Publication of the Sustain­ability Strategy

The sustainability strategy of Hochschule Düsseldorf - University of Applied Sciences is now available digitally. At the same time, the newly established Sustainability Office has started its work on implementing this strategy.

Even today, sustainable actions are not something that occur as a matter of course in society – neither in our personal lives nor in a professional context. How can sustainability be drawn out of its niche and into the mainstream? What role can universities play in this? How can we encourage students and university staff to take transformative action for sustainability before it is too late to actively shape our future environment? HSD discussed these questions in a participatory process to create a sustainability strategy.
18 months after the start of this process, HSD has adopted the sustainability strategy in the Senate and the Board of Management. It is available in German​ and English through the HSDopus online publication system. A small print run of the German version is expected to be released in November.
By passing this Sustainability Strategy, HSD wants to emphasise the importance of focussing on sustainability throughout the entire insti­tution. The goal of this whole-institution approach is to structurally embed sustainability issues in all of the university’s core processes (governance, education, research and transfer, operations).
HSD’s Sustainability Strategy focuses on three sustainability dimen­sions – the economy, social development and the environment – and the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Sustainability Office is the central point of contact and platform for sustainability issues, acting as an initiator and driver of ideas. It will support employees and students, as well as various organizational units in the implementation of measures and in making their work in the area of sustainability visible. At the same time, the Sustainability Office will implement measures itself, such as the sustainability competition “Sustainability in Action@ HSD”.
Contact Person:
Franziska Müller
+49 211 4351-3035
