Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences

​Advice for disabled and chronically ill students

Everyday life is often particularly difficult for disabled or chronically ill students. In order to compensate a little for any disadvantages they may experience, there are a number of ways to organize things as well as sources of assistance.

It is the job of the Disability Services (ABS - Arbeitsstelle Barrierefreies Studium) to provide corresponding information and explain these options. Here you will find contact persons who can answer all your questions concerning studying and disability.

The office’s overriding goal, as lobbyist for disabled and chronically ill students, is to bring about a continuous improvement in the studying conditions for disabled persons at HSD.

We can answer questions about exam achievements, opportunities for rest and relaxation, compensation rules for disadvantaged students and general support measures for students. In addition to our advisory service, our student assistants can also offer other forms of assistance, if required, such as help in the libraries or on excursions.​


Münsterstr. 156
Building 2, Room 02.1.008

Tel.: +49 (0)211 4351-8970
